Sales - BLEH

First Off - Sorry for no blogs lately. Life hit hard. 

Does anyone do direct sales?? I know I have mentioned before that I sell candles for Gold Canyon. I wanted to sell something that I don't know a lot of people sell for starters. I've tried to sell Premier Jewelry, Younique. Both TOTAL FLOPS. I couldn't back the product and was tired of all the customer complaints. I couldn't lie anymore. That's not the point though.

One thing I HATE about direct sales is that your upline wants you to sell sell sell, but don't be pushy. How are you supposed to be super successful without being pushy?? I tried it - that REALLY turns people off. I don't want to lose friends over selling stuff. If people want to buy the products they will.

Who HATES getting messages and friend requests from people wanting you to watch videos on what they sell?! It's most annoying. If you're going to sell something I want to see YOU the SELLER showing me products and how that income has helped you personally. Not your upline, or people who are already at the top. I don't care about them.

This is one reason I buy drug store makeup now. The beauty gurus we are watching on Youtube, they didn't go buy all these expensive beauty products, these companies sent them to the girls. No one can afford them. I mean if I didn't have to spend the money sure I would be trying to sell and push these products. But I want to push and sell something that I've used, that I've spent the time and money to learn about. 

Sorry Loves I feel like that was just a rant. But it is most frustrating to me. I'm trying to claw my way out of debt - and you pushing some $50 makeup item isn't going to work for me!

Leave a comment for you're favorite drugstore makeup brand. I am looking for new ideas for my first VIDEO!!



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